
Proposal for Figure.com

Brand Engagement, Experiential and Guerilla Advertising 

Client Notes

We recently launched a Crypto Lending product and were interested in advertising at a crypto event in Austin in June (June 9-12 is the conference).

Ayden Activation Group is a full-service field marketing agency here to ignite brand interest in ways never imagined before. From street teams, to experiential activations, to innovative out-of-home advertising, our “outside the box” approach finds fresh ways to get in front of your customer’s eyeballs and stay there.

With over 17 years of experience lighting up major brands, including Advent Health, T-Mobile, Charter Communications, Sprint, Live Nation, Disney on Ice, Centers for Disease Control, and more, we’ve got what it takes to create and execute all aspects of your campaign. Yet, our nimble and agile structure allows us to respond to curveballs in real-time and make changes as the need arises to maximize results.

WE’RE STILL HERE- As experiential marketers, we’ve always had to bob, weave, and think on our feet. Although this global pandemic has been a real sucker-punch to our industry, we’re still here kicking butt and taking names. When the going gets tough, our team gets to work, helping our customers adapt and thrive in this new normal. Far more than event staffing, we are a full-service agency able to develop innovative promotions you may never have considered before. From sidewalk chalk to branded sand castles, we can help you find new ways to get the word out and connect with customers during this time. Since team health and safety is paramount, we have developed protocols to ensure activations adhere to CDC guidelines.

OUR TECH- From managing staff to measuring results, is tracking all the moving parts of your program enough to make your head spin? We use an industry-leading app to help you get a handle on all of the nuts and bolts, all in one place, in real-time. Track staff attendance, capture photos and videos, and monitor budgets and KPI results with continuous data capture, as well as dashboard reporting and analysis. Less time on paperwork means more time for doing what you do best. 

OUR REACH- We serve clients nationwide, as well as internationally. We have the reach and relationships needed to provide staffing in any size market, large or small, even rural areas many agencies won’t touch

Who Is Ayden?

Ayden Activation Group is a full-service field marketing agency here to ignite brand interest in ways never imagined before. From street teams, to experiential activations, to innovative out-of-home advertising, our “outside the box” approach finds fresh ways to get in front of your customer’s eyeballs and stay there.

With over 17 years of experience lighting up major brands, including Advent Health, T-Mobile, Charter Communications, Sprint, Live Nation, Disney on Ice, Centers for Disease Control, and more, we’ve got what it takes to create and execute all aspects of your campaign. Yet, our nimble and agile structure allows us to respond to curveballs in real-time and make changes as the need arises to maximize results.

WE’RE STILL HERE- As experiential marketers, we’ve always had to bob, weave, and think on our feet. Although this global pandemic has been a real sucker-punch to our industry, we’re still here kicking butt and taking names. When the going gets tough, our team gets to work, helping our customers adapt and thrive in this new normal. Far more than event staffing, we are a full-service agency able to develop innovative promotions you may never have considered before. From sidewalk chalk to branded sand castles, we can help you find new ways to get the word out and connect with customers during this time. Since team health and safety is paramount, we have developed protocols to ensure activations adhere to CDC guidelines.

OUR TECH- From managing staff to measuring results, is tracking all the moving parts of your program enough to make your head spin? We use an industry-leading app to help you get a handle on all of the nuts and bolts, all in one place, in real-time. Track staff attendance, capture photos and videos, and monitor budgets and KPI results with continuous data capture, as well as dashboard reporting and analysis. Less time on paperwork means more time for doing what you do best. 

OUR REACH- We serve clients nationwide, as well as internationally. We have the reach and relationships needed to provide staffing in any size market, large or small, even rural areas many agencies won’t touch

What We Do

Activation Information

Declare how long it will take to finalize the project. Be as clear as possible and break the project into as many milestones as it makes sense. The big question to answer here concisely is how long it will take to complete the project. Be sure to set out realistic expectations for both parties, even though you might feel tempted to underestimate the timeframe – it’s not a good idea.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nulla arcu, lacinia nec metus sed, imperdiet eleifend ante. Aliquam efficitur venenatis diam, quis aliquam magna congue quis.

Client Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nulla arcu, lacinia nec metus sed, imperdiet eleifend ante. Aliquam efficitur venenatis diam, quis aliquam magna congue quis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nulla arcu, lacinia nec metus sed, imperdiet eleifend ante. Aliquam efficitur venenatis diam, quis aliquam magna congue quis.

Media Format

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nulla arcu, lacinia nec metus sed, imperdiet eleifend ante. Aliquam efficitur venenatis diam, quis aliquam magna congue quis.


A major part of the entrepreneur’s business plan is the marketing plan, which focuses on a company’s target customers and how best to satisfy their needs and wants. A solid marketing plan should pinpoint the specific target markets the company will serve, determine customer needs and wants through market research, analyze the firm’s competitive advantages and build a marketing strategy around them, and create a marketing mix that meets customer needs and wants.

When plotting a marketing strategy, owners must strive to achieve a competitive advantage, some way to make their companies different from and better than the competition. Successful small businesses rely on 16 guerrilla marketing principles to develop a competitive edge: niche-picking, generating publicity, entertailing, connecting with their customers, building a consistent branding strategy, embracing social networking, starting a blog, creating online videos, emphasizing their uniqueness, focusing on customers’ needs, retaining existing customers, emphasizing quality, paying attention to convenience, concentrating on innovation, dedicating themselves to service, and emphasizing speed.

A short introduction paragraph to preface the chart. The below chart looks in Elementor like a shortcode – some text in brackets – but it will render correctly when it is displayed in the web page. To edit the chart, go to Tablepress in the WordPress admin menu.

Pricing Estimate

Duis nec varius augue. Pellentesque euismod, erat sed ullamcorper iaculis, lorem lacus hendrerit turpis, in ullamcorper nulla ante vel ligula. Proin tortor nisi, tincidunt ac turpis ut, faucibus imperdiet ante. In et fringilla nisi. Praesent non dui nisl. Phasellus faucibus eget leo id ullamcorper. Donec a blandit arcu. Nunc odio enim, malesuada sit amet tortor eu, efficitur viverra dolor. Donec augue justo, volutpat nec felis sit amet, mollis condimentum leo.

Media Impressions

Fusce vitae hendrerit metus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque condimentum accumsan nunc in elementum. Nam dapibus massa eget ex porta hendrerit. Sed bibendum metus mauris, eu pulvinar dolor facilisis sit amet. Vestibulum a risus at nunc tempor rutrum sed at risus. Donec faucibus, lectus vitae laoreet ultricies, ipsum metus cursus orci, id consectetur felis felis ut neque. Phasellus suscipit viverra justo sit amet mattis. Vestibulum laoreet dignissim est venenatis scelerisque. Nullam et ullamcorper nunc, nec elementum leo. Morbi feugiat imperdiet nisl, et iaculis erat finibus sed. Ut ut purus nibh. Duis semper nunc in lobortis eleifend.

Graph Subheader

Activation Notes & Activation Photos

Aliquam mattis dictum leo, vel tempus massa. Vestibulum congue lectus in condimentum semper. Nam viverra pulvinar tempor. Mauris porttitor lacus vitae arcu rhoncus, nec sollicitudin ligula vulputate. Donec cursus mauris quis magna bibendum, consectetur bibendum lorem vehicula. Etiam viverra tortor risus, sit amet rutrum nulla venenatis id. Integer accumsan libero id urna convallis eleifend. Vivamus in odio enim. Phasellus dictum ligula nibh, ac porttitor est fringilla ut. Integer ultrices id libero a rutrum. Ut ullamcorper lectus a consectetur pulvinar. Etiam purus odio, dignissim at leo vitae, convallis blandit lacus. Vestibulum maximus nisl lacus, at facilisis erat tincidunt a. Maecenas tincidunt nisl sed lectus dictum suscipit. Sed rhoncus scelerisque elit et accumsan.

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